Thursday, September 24, 2009


Times are good when things seems right in the course of a worthwhile process. Looks like traveling a journey on a road tide with gold. Looks like days of heaven on earth. Some times are always welcome because of the feeling it brings about.

My times for a while seemed right, whilst I enjoyed the good feelings it brought, l suddenly felt bad because the end of the time did not work out as estimated. I can not go back to feel the same again but life has to go on. At a time l taught feeling right is a short lived period in time.

My life has to go on in times like this, so l taught of living my life again. Yes am on course, this time in readiness to welcome all sort of feelings at all times. I am now forever happy, a feeling of knowing the result to either be bitter or sweet.

Now my estimation is rather to grow, for l have finally come to the realization that my response to the ill feelings of these times will determine my out look.